Our Story

When we are in Thailand, the Moo Kata Restaurant is one of our favorite places to eat. For example, we have visited countless Moo Kata restaurants from north to south Thailand. Because we think this is such a delicious way of eating, we wanted to do something with it. That's why in 2008 we first introduced the Moo Kata in the Netherlands under the name Asian BBQ at festival 'Camping Rotterdam'
We took 12 BBQ's from Bangkok and built a small restaurant with our famous industrial round tables and colorful decorations.

Soon we wanted more and opened our restaurant at secret locations for one evening. Very exciting and the place was announced 1 hour in advance by email. That amounted to sometimes 90 people at a time. We converted great vacant spaces into a restaurant for a few hours. An exciting shed in the harbour, a swimming pool, or factory.
Eventually this became known to the hospitality police and this adventure came to an end and we continued in a legal way. The first time we opened in a circus tent but after a lot of rain and wind we wanted a door with a key instead of a zipper and so we ended up in vacant buildings where we were open for 6 months a year because of course we wanted to continue traveling.
Most of the properties we rent are eventually renovated, demolished or there is another destination for
or we decide to move ourselves when it's time for a new adventure.

Meanwhile, it's much more than when we ever started. Our menu is more extensive and we have everything you expect in a Thai Moo Kata Restaurant. We are also proud that a lot of our customers are Thai and like to visit our Traditional Thai BBQ Restaurant.
Since 2008 we have had 9 restaurants of which 2 in Hasselt Belgium and the rest in Rotterdam. We transform all our locations into the well-known ABBQ Atmosphere. We have a large group of followers who follow us faithfully wherever we open.
It is a lot of work but it is still fun to take all our guests on our tour.
Asian BBQ is now a household name in Rotterdam!

You can follow us, free entrepreneurs by social media, instagram & facebook
we are in the Netherlands every year from July to December
Do you have an empty catering building and are you looking for a unique interpretation? Mail us
See you soon
Mischa & Miranda

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Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque at odio lobortis, ultricies ipsum sed, laoreet erat. Vivamus sagittis justo eget pulvinar tristique. Cras consectetur a neque eu facilisis. Suspendisse mattis ornare porta. Etiam eget imperdiet metus. Donec auctor elit vel tristique ultricies. Mauris sed iaculis quam, eu tristique nulla.

Nulla vestibulum orci venenatis, porttitor purus at, consequat metus. Curabitur ipsum purus, venenatis a imperdiet eu, elementum id nisi. Sed aliquam, magna a dictum accumsan, neque libero blandit nunc, eu vestibulum ipsum lorem eget felis. Cras sagittis et lacus at convallis. Etiam congue accumsan posuere.

Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.